AngularJS vs Angular

June 01, 2022

As a developer, you may have come across AngularJS and Angular frameworks. They are both popular frameworks for building dynamic web applications. In this blog post, we will provide a factual, unbiased comparison between these frameworks.


AngularJS was introduced in 2010, and it quickly became one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks. It is an open-source framework that supports the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. AngularJS uses HTML as the template language, and it extends HTML vocabulary with Angular-specific constructs.

AngularJS offers a two-way data binding feature, which means any changes made to the data will automatically reflect in the view or UI, and vice versa. This feature can come in very handy when working with forms, quizzes, and other data-intensive applications.

AngularJS also has a large library of built-in directives, making it easy to create complex UI components. Additionally, AngularJS is easy to learn and has excellent documentation.


Angular is the next iteration of AngularJS, introduced in 2016. It is a complete rewrite of AngularJS, with a focus on modern web development practices. Angular is also an open-source framework and supports the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture.

Unlike AngularJS, Angular uses TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript. TypeScript is known for its type-safety feature, which can help prevent bugs and increase the efficiency of your code.

Angular offers a much faster rendering engine than AngularJS, and it also comes with advanced features for web application development, such as a powerful CLI and a large library of pre-built components.

Comparison Table

AngularJS Angular
Language JavaScript TypeScript
Two-way Data Binding
Rendering Engine Slower Faster
Community Support Large Gaining Popularity
Learning Curve Easy Steep

From the above comparison table, it is evident that both frameworks have their pros and cons. AngularJS is a popular choice for small to medium-sized projects, while Angular is a better choice for large-scale enterprise projects that require fast rendering speed and scalability.


In conclusion, both AngularJS and Angular are powerful frameworks with a lot to offer. AngularJS is ideal for simple and small projects, while Angular is perfect for more complex and large-scale enterprise applications. Ultimately, the choice of framework depends on the specific needs of your project.

We hope this unbiased comparison has helped you in choosing the right framework for your next project.


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